The company Techni Trade s.r.o. can be found on Průmyslová Street, which appears on your left as you exit Čelákovice towards Mstětice. At the end of the street, before the exit to TESCO, you will see the administrative and production building of Techni Trade s.r.o.

Techni Trade s.r.o.
Prumyslova 1954, 250 88 Celakovice
Mob.: +420 602 550 832
Supplier’s DUNS number : 36-709-3661
ID. No. : 27633870
TAX ID No. : CZ27633870

You can contact us hereCONTACT FORM

    Billing address:

    Techni Trade s.r.o.
    Kroftova 399/9, 150 00 Prague 5
    Czech Republic
    Supplier’s DUNS number : 495298781

    Postal address:

    Techni Trade s.r.o.
    Prumyslova 1954, 250 88 Celakovice
    Czech Republic

    Customer service:

    available from 8:00-16:00

    Mob.: +420 602 550 832
    E-mail: sales@techni-trade.com

    Warehouse / showroom:

    opening hours od 8:00-16:00